Should I use CDN for game companies?

Just like many other businesses, game companies face problems with content delivery in the Net. No matter how great your game is, if you can’t make downloading quick, users will be  disappointed and diverted. Therefore, potential customers can choose companies that provide better user experience.

If you focus on computer games online, you should be able to deal with traffic spikes and other issues. How CDN can help you? Is there any point to order such service for your company?

What is CDN?

Projects that need website acceleration and faster content downloading can use CDN (Content Deliver Network). This is a system of servers that are located in different regions and PoPs (points of presence). Such servers are called edge servers and they cache content from the main server to transfer data to end users quickly. With CDN, the distance between the user and the source of data shortens, so the content has to travel less.

How does it work for game companies?

When the service is implemented, your CDN provider will get core loadings and patches from the main server and distribute it over edge servers of the network around the world. When a user makes a request for a file, it goes to the closest server and is downloaded from there (if it’s already cached). Thus, a request and content doesn’t have to travel all the way to the main server.

Any other CDN Benefits?

CDN is mainly used to boost loading speed, but its merits are not confined to that. What are the other reasons to order CDN for your game business?
  1.  When the distance between the end user and the server reduces, there’s lower chance of content loss and damage.
  2. CDN distributes traffic over servers, offloading the origin server. It reduces the risk of downtime and server failure.
  3.  But what if the origin server fails? Then CDN will be able to transfer some patches and pieces. Likewise, if some edge servers are out of work, the users are connected with the closest functioning servers. This is why it’s almost impossible to lose data completely – it is stored in cache of numerous servers.
  4. CDN allows for cutting on hosting expenses. There are free or very cheap networks, though solutions for game companies are a bit more expensive. Anyway, the cost of CDN is totally justified by outstanding performance and speed it provides.
  5.  Better security. CDN solutions usually go with a firewall that adds up a security layer preventing DDoS attacks and many other threats.


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